Catalogue Auction info

March 2023 Patient Monitoring (#637)
03/03/2023 9:00 AM GMT - 10/03/2023 3:30 PM GMT
Starts Ending 10/03/2023 1:00 PM GMT

Lot 753 x Philips MP30 Patient Monitors with 2 x Philips IntelliVue G5 M1019A Gas Modules *Missing Water Traps* (All Power Up) *SN DE72869435, DE72881299, ARZL-0225, ASBF-0210, DE72877510*

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Lot closed - Winning bid:N/A

March 2023 Patient Monitoring (#637)
03/03/2023 9:00 AM GMT - 10/03/2023 3:30 PM GMT
Starts Ending 10/03/2023 1:00 PM GMT

  • 3 x Philips MP30 Patient Monitors with 2 x Philips IntelliVue G5 M1019A Gas Modules *Missing Water Traps* (All Power Up) *SN DE72869435, DE72881299, ARZL-0225, ASBF-0210, DE72877510*
  • 3 x Philips MP30 Patient Monitors with 2 x Philips IntelliVue G5 M1019A Gas Modules *Missing Water Traps* (All Power Up) *SN DE72869435, DE72881299, ARZL-0225, ASBF-0210, DE72877510* - 2
  • 3 x Philips MP30 Patient Monitors with 2 x Philips IntelliVue G5 M1019A Gas Modules *Missing Water Traps* (All Power Up) *SN DE72869435, DE72881299, ARZL-0225, ASBF-0210, DE72877510* - 3
  • 3 x Philips MP30 Patient Monitors with 2 x Philips IntelliVue G5 M1019A Gas Modules *Missing Water Traps* (All Power Up) *SN DE72869435, DE72881299, ARZL-0225, ASBF-0210, DE72877510* - 4
  • 3 x Philips MP30 Patient Monitors with 2 x Philips IntelliVue G5 M1019A Gas Modules *Missing Water Traps* (All Power Up) *SN DE72869435, DE72881299, ARZL-0225, ASBF-0210, DE72877510* - 5
  • 3 x Philips MP30 Patient Monitors with 2 x Philips IntelliVue G5 M1019A Gas Modules *Missing Water Traps* (All Power Up) *SN DE72869435, DE72881299, ARZL-0225, ASBF-0210, DE72877510* - 6
  • 3 x Philips MP30 Patient Monitors with 2 x Philips IntelliVue G5 M1019A Gas Modules *Missing Water Traps* (All Power Up) *SN DE72869435, DE72881299, ARZL-0225, ASBF-0210, DE72877510* - 7
  • 3 x Philips MP30 Patient Monitors with 2 x Philips IntelliVue G5 M1019A Gas Modules *Missing Water Traps* (All Power Up) *SN DE72869435, DE72881299, ARZL-0225, ASBF-0210, DE72877510* - 8