Catalogue Auction info

December 2024 Defibrillators (#1036)
13/12/2024 10:00 AM GMT - 20/12/2024 3:32 PM GMT

Starts Ending 20/12/2024 1:00 PM GMT

Lot 12 x Philips Heartstart FRx Defibrillators (Both Power Up) in Case with 4 x M5070A LiMnO2 Batteries *Install Before 2029 / 2027 / 2027 / 2026 * and 4 x Smart Pads 2

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December 2024 Defibrillators (#1036)
13/12/2024 10:00 AM GMT - 20/12/2024 3:32 PM GMT

Starts Ending 20/12/2024 1:00 PM GMT

  • 2 x Philips Heartstart FRx Defibrillators (Both Power Up) in Case with 4 x M5070A LiMnO2 Batteries *Install Before 2029 / 2027 / 2027 / 2026 * and 4 x Smart Pads 2
  • 2 x Philips Heartstart FRx Defibrillators (Both Power Up) in Case with 4 x M5070A LiMnO2 Batteries *Install Before 2029 / 2027 / 2027 / 2026 * and 4 x Smart Pads 2 - 2
  • 2 x Philips Heartstart FRx Defibrillators (Both Power Up) in Case with 4 x M5070A LiMnO2 Batteries *Install Before 2029 / 2027 / 2027 / 2026 * and 4 x Smart Pads 2 - 3
  • 2 x Philips Heartstart FRx Defibrillators (Both Power Up) in Case with 4 x M5070A LiMnO2 Batteries *Install Before 2029 / 2027 / 2027 / 2026 * and 4 x Smart Pads 2 - 4
  • 2 x Philips Heartstart FRx Defibrillators (Both Power Up) in Case with 4 x M5070A LiMnO2 Batteries *Install Before 2029 / 2027 / 2027 / 2026 * and 4 x Smart Pads 2 - 5
  • 2 x Philips Heartstart FRx Defibrillators (Both Power Up) in Case with 4 x M5070A LiMnO2 Batteries *Install Before 2029 / 2027 / 2027 / 2026 * and 4 x Smart Pads 2 - 6
  • 2 x Philips Heartstart FRx Defibrillators (Both Power Up) in Case with 4 x M5070A LiMnO2 Batteries *Install Before 2029 / 2027 / 2027 / 2026 * and 4 x Smart Pads 2 - 7